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    • Pronóstico en video Jessica de Luna nos da el pronóstico del tiempo en Costa Rica para este viernes 06 de diciembre de 2024.
    • Jessica de Luna nos da el pronóstico del tiempo en Costa Rica para este viernes 06 de diciembre de 2024.
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(+VIDEO) Modelo que con sus grandes curvas revoluciona las redes sociales

Esta joven aumentó de peso y eso la llevó a convertirse en ejemplo para otras chicas. 

Multimedios y Javier David Mota Costa Rica /

La’Tecia Thomas es una modelo de Melbourne, Australia, que pasó de ser talla 6 a talla 16 y, al contrario de lo que se podría pensar, eso la ha ayudado a ser más feliz, a tener más autoestima y a luchar por empoderar a otras mujeres.

Lo que muchas modelos esperan es adelgazar, sin embargo esta joven fue todo lo contrario, aumentó de peso.

I was going through my phone and I found this old photo of me back when I was training to compete in a bikini competition. So many people will look at this photo and make physical comparisons and say they would prefer me 'before'. I prefer me at any weight as long as I'm happy. It's okay to love yourself no matter what your size is. I remember how unhappy I was In the picture to the left, I would loathe certain parts of my body- particularly my bum/ thighs because that was and is the hardest part of my body to loose. I had so many insecurities, I compared myself to other women and I lacked confidence. Since changing my outlook on life and learning to embrace who I am, I know that hypothetically if I were to go back to what I used to be I would be so much happier and content than what I was because I've learned to love me. Your mental health is just as important as your physical. Also I'm not saying it's okay to be inactive and make unhealthy choices, I think it's about finding balance, listen to your body, you know what's best for it. ?

Una publicación compartida por La'Tecia Thomas (@lateciat) el

I need a vacay ? pronto

Una publicación compartida por La'Tecia Thomas (@lateciat) el

I beez in the trap, be-beez ??

Una publicación compartida por La'Tecia Thomas (@lateciat) el

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