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    • Pronóstico en video Emily Quiñones nos da el pronóstico del tiempo en Costa Rica para este jueves 06 de febrero del 2025.
    • Emily Quiñones nos da el pronóstico del tiempo en Costa Rica para este jueves 06 de febrero del 2025.
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¿Estrena romance Aislinn Derbez?

A escasos meses de confirmar su separación con Mauricio Ochmann, aseguran que la actriz se estaría dando una nueva oportunidad en el amor.

Multimedios Costa Rica /

ESPECIAL.- Aislinn Derbez volvió a llamar la atención de fans y medios de comunicación, pues aseguran que la actriz se estaría dando una nueva oportunidad en el amor... ¿Tiene nuevo novio? ¿De dónde surgió este rumor? Aquí te compartimos lo que se sabe.

A escasos meses de confirmar su separación con Mauricio Ochmann, salieron a la luz unos tiernos mensajes por parte de un misterioso hombre llamado Jesh de Rox que han causado sensación en redes.

"La primera mujer de la que recuerdo que me enamoré me miró como si fuera lo único que había visto en su vida o al menos, el único que importaba", compartió junto a una imagen en la que se puede ver a la hija de Eugenio Derbez. “Más tarde supe que ella veía muchas cosas de esa manera... Rápidamente aprendí a ponerme celoso de las flores, de los ex, de las horas en que dormía y otras cosas igualmente ridículas. Pero, por supuesto, esto fue antes de todo eso. Lo que sabía es que ella me miraba de esa manera y que yo no sabía cómo mirarme de esa manera”.

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the first woman i remember falling in love with looked at me like i was the only thing she had ever seen. or at least, the only one that mattered.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ i learned later that she looked at a great many things that way. you can imagine i wasn’t happy to find this out. i quickly learned to become jealous of flowers, of ex’s, of the hours she was asleep & other equally ridiculous things.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ but of course this was before all that. what i knew is that she looked at me that way & that i didn’t know how to look at me that way. & that i wanted to. bad. i think a lot of what we end up calling love starts that way - wanting something.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ & there’s a problem with that. several, really.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ to love someone is to respect their free will. that’s the clearest definition of love i have at this point, a few decades into the study of it. & wanting something for or from someone is pretty much the opposite of that. at this point you might want to assure me that you only want ‘the best’ for them. & maybe that’s true. maybe. but it’s still wanting.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ i was crazy about her. that’s probably more accurate than saying i loved her. looking back, i don’t think i saw her very well at all.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ when i told her i loved her (which i did often) i think part of what i meant was ‘please keep looking at me like that’. i knew there was something profound & important about that look. & i wasn’t wrong. it’s just that i was asking the wrong person to do it.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ & here you might say: ok, i get it. i have to learn to love myself, blah-blah, etc, etc. whatever that means. but there’s something really important about being able to get to the heart of this. it took me a really long time to learn how to see it & it’s worth using your head, even as a blunt instrument, to smash through the many layers of cliche and platitude that obscure it:⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ i’ve noticed that the only thing a person can ever really be loved for is for being themselves. whatever other attention we receive for doing & being things others want us to be isn’t love. it’s something else.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ (continued in comments)

Una publicación compartida por Jesh de Rox (@jeshderox) el

Asimismo, a inicios de septiembre, Jesh de Rox compartió otra imagen de Aislinn junto a un mensaje en el que explicaba que el destino siempre te pedirá que te eleves y crezcas.

¿Quién es Jesh de Rox?

El misterioso hombre  asegura en su página que es un conferencista y creativo multidisciplinario que le interesa cómo es que la mente y el cuerpo crea los sentimientos.

"Jesh de Rox es sin duda uno de los invitados más particulares a este podcast porque sus enseñanzas están profundamente basadas en su experiencia práctica en el estudio del ser humano, sin embargo, no pierden esa frescura y creatividad que lo caracterizan y lo asemejan a un niño pequeño descubriendo por primera vez el mundo", mencionó Aislinn Derbez en su canal de YouTube

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as regards to letting go - it’s not them you need to let go of. they’re already gone; what you’re holding on to can’t be them. what needs release is the version of yourself that wanted them, chose them, dreamed of them. this is what ties you to the jagged past, to such unbearable suffering. it’s yourself, holding on to a version of your self, not wanting it to die. the selves will always resist death. throughout your life, a thousand versions of you will be born & will die. if you are brave, a searcher, then 10,000. each of them are kings & queens, petals of a flower that were, for a moment, perfect in their own way. honor their passing. each gave what they could give. build a funeral pyre. arrange the self regally, in its armor, holding its weapons of war, surrounded by its stories. stand & watch as it moves slowly away, as the river pulls it. sing songs as you light the arrow, as you let it fly, as it strikes the pyre & turns to flame. but let the self go. let it. the living should never be ruled by the dead. and you, are you diminished by this? you who were there before so many selves, & after? no. there are an endless number of horizons, upon which the sun endlessly reimagines itself. **** dedicated to those i have loved & lost, in deepest gratitude to what their passing taught me

Una publicación compartida por Jesh de Rox (@jeshderox) el

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it’s been 534 days since we spoke. some hours, minutes & long bending seconds. i’m not sure. my future self rests quietly, waiting for me, as he always does. patient as the circling hawk. he doesn’t strike until there’s movement. until there’s a clear line of sight. and then: the rush. the sudden splitting of air between us. outstretched claws, deadly impact & the lift. my mind, with those talons of his, fully sunken through. whatever i was, taken. and i am somewhere else. does prey ever feel glory, in those last moments, as it lifts off the earth, aware it will become part of something more powerful than itself? as for me, i look down to the shrinking world i came from & wonder how i ever could have fit inside it. there is sand everywhere on my body. i swam in the ocean today, tested myself against the waves & am that good kind of tired from it. i was the only one there. had an ocean to myself. i licked the sun off my skin. it tasted like salt & heat & laughter. i could say i felt your absence but that wouldn’t be right. it was mine. you know how i get - swatting away flies with honey on my fingers. i am thinking of Schweitzer: ‘sometimes our light goes out, but is lit suddenly to flame by an encounter with another human being’. we saw the same thing, you & i. you sang it your way. i am singing it mine. it’s clear memory doesn’t belong fully to either of us. creation is rearrangement, after all. a sifting through the million forms to find the ones that make the body sigh (our bodies sigh about different things) * so i watched the sun set. for the third day in a row. the part of you that is me was there, too. and my future self. all three of us waiting to see who would break the silence first. those colors. they mean more than they let on. more than we let them let on. maybe everything is speaking to us & we just haven't learned to listen.

Una publicación compartida por Jesh de Rox (@jeshderox) el

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a human is not a thing so much as a response to a thing. in fact, a personality is more like a footprint than a foot. we’re biologically wired to respond to our environment in a way we feel will ensure our survival. the brain assumes that responses we repeat often have successfully contributed to this & so moves them from conscious choices to subconscious patterns (behaviors) that become automatic, firing without thought - faster & requiring less energy. these collections of subconscious responses to environments are called personalities. while we often think of ourselves as having one personality, a typical human will have as many as a dozen, switching unconsciously between them. this is illustrated by two friends at a cafe, engaged in warm conversation, laughing. the moment one of them sees an ex-lover enter the cafe, their behavior is likely to transform instantly, body language altering as the brain releases different hormonal signals. humans only think of themselves as ‘the same’ because they tend to seek out environments that feel familiar to them - circumstances in which the brain decides an already memorized response is most appropriate. these environments feel ‘comfortable’ to us. though all born explorers, as children grow, they solidify behavioral patterns & tend to increasingly avoid ‘uncomfortable’ environments, leading to further repetition & deepening the groove. because of this, many humans mistake themselves for their personalities, when in fact, it is much more accurate to say humans are the ability to create personalities. this is why tragedy is associated with growth - it forces changes in environment that often lead to the development of new personality traits. studying the survival of species his entire life, Darwin concluded it wasn’t the strongest or most intelligent that survived, but those most responsive to change. i believe future humans will practice & master a wide spectrum of personality characteristics, able to change the shape of their minds as easily as we change the shape of our hands, to better meet new environments they encounter. @kindred.meditation is designed to help bring about this future.

Una publicación compartida por Jesh de Rox (@jeshderox) el


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